The Powder Flame Spray Process is basically the spray of liquid metal like zinc, copper, aluminum on a superficial level for giving a covering. On the off chance that Zinc is sprayed, at that point called the Zinc spray gun, Copper is Spraying then its Copper spray gun, Aluminum is spraying then it'll be Aluminum spray gun. The liquid material is regularly wire structure and powder structure relies on the application. The powder flame spray gun measure utilizes an identical method of wire flame spray, then again, actually, the wire feedstock is supplanted with powder.
The technique is basically the spraying of a liquid material onto a surface to supply a covering. The material in the powder structure is dissolved during a flame (oxy-acetylene or hydrogen most normally) to make a fine spray. At the point when the spray associates the substrate, the fine liquid beads quickly harden, shaping a covering.
This flame spray gun measure, when completed accurately, is named a "cool cycle" in light of the fact that the substrate temperature is frequently kept generally low during handling keeping away from harm, metallurgical changes, and twisting to the substrate material.
Body Material | Stainless Steel & Iron |
Cup Capacity | 550 ml |
Nozzle Size | 0.3 mm |
Air Pressure | 30-50 psi |
Air Inlet | 1/4" |
The fundamental bit of leeway of the powder flame spray measure is that a lot more extensive scope of materials is handily prepared into powder structure, giving a greater selection of coatings. In specific sorts of guns, the warmth fusible material is at first taken care of through the gun in powdered or wire structure. Guns that are so outfitted with material to be sprayed in the powdered structure are alluded to as "powder-type flame spray guns." The powdered or wire material is ordinarily called a flame spray powder and is typical of generally little molecule size, for instance, beneath around 140 lattice U.S. Standard screen size. The warm spray gun uses a burning or plasma flame and in numerous guns, the powder or wire is taken care of to the gun or into the gun's flame entrained during a transporter gas.
In order to get top-notch coatings, it's important to precisely control the speed of powder took care of through the gun and to keep a uniform rate for given spray conditions. In powder, especially the fine powder is utilized as flame spray powder, has demonstrated to be a troublesome material to deal with and feed a transporter gas at the predefined uniform rate.
Powder flame spraying includes the warmth mellowing or dissolving of a warm fusible material, similar to metal or clay, and accordingly the pushing or spraying of the relaxed material against the surface to be covered.
We are a manufacturer of flame spray guns, Wire flame spray gun, Metal Spray Gun, Thermal Spray Gun, & Spare Parts. Zinc Spray Gun Price and Metalizing Gun Price is low with the finest quality. Our Flame Spray Coating & Metal Spray Gun Equipments is permanent and simple to use and low maintenance.